Crate Climbing

Crate Climbing normally takes place beneath a large tree behind our Service Crew quarters although if the weather is poor, this can take place inside the activity barn instead as long as the indoor climbing wall is not already in use.


Location:    The Centre’s Crate Climbing activities are located in the grounds of Bibbys Farm Scout Campsite and Activity Centre. OS Map Sheet 109 or OS Pathfinder Series Sheet SD61/71 or Explorer Series 287 Grid Reference 604168

The Guidelines

All instructors, whether Centre Personnel or Visitors using the Centre’s Crate Climbing facilities shall follow the Centre’s guidelines.

Crates and related equipment should be appropriate for its usage and in good condition. It should be within manufacturers recommended retirement dates.
Supervisory arrangements will vary depending on the ability and needs of the group, but should not exceed 1: 6.
Prior to collecting Crate Climbing equipment the Duty Warden will ensure that the Leader in charge of the Activity has

  1. a) Read and signed the Crate Climbing Requisition Form.
  2. b) Checked the equipment as being in good and serviceable condition
  3. c) Been made aware of the location of First Aid Equipment / Emergency telephone etc.

NOTE:  The Qualifications of the Leader in Charge of the Activity must be checked at the time of booking.

Attire of Instructors, Supervisors and Participants

When dressing for Crate Climbing avoid baggy shirts, sleeves and trousers. Old clothing that is acceptable for getting wet, damaged or dirty should be worn. The carrying of items in pockets should be avoided.
A strong pair of shoes or trainers must be worn.
Suitable harnesses must be used by all participants.

Operational Procedures

  1. Crate stacking must be carried out on a level surface. A base board should be used.
  2. A First Aid Kit must be available at all times and it’s location should be known by all participants.
  3. Activity instructors should ensure that all group members use the equipment in a controlled manner.
  4. Activity instructors must not be seated during a climbing session.
  5. Food and drink shall not be permitted in the climbing area.
  6. Climbing ropes and other equipment must be inspected prior to use. Damaged items must be immediately removed from service.
  7. Helmets must be worn by Instructors and participants. Instructors must check for correct fitting and that any loose straps or hair are safely tucked in.
  8. Suitable climbing harnesses must be used by all participants. Instructors to check for correct fitting and buckling before use.
  9. For a very small climber a full body harness will be used.
  10. No person must have loose clothing or jewellery. Also long hair must be tied back.
  11. Belayers must wear a harness and must be supervised by an authorized activity instructor who should be able to take control of the rope if necessary.
  12. It is the responsibility of the activity instructor to ensure that all equipment is stored correctly at the end of the session.
  13. Horseplay of any kind should be discouraged throughout the session.