This event which is open to all ages will provide tuition and coaching on various target sports on the Saturday with time to practise and hone your skills.
On Sunday, we will hold the championships with awards to the highest scoring rounds on the day.
The fee of £12.50 per person includes overnight camp fee on the Saturday (Stay Friday night too for an extra £4.70) and includes drop-in access to all the target sports bases throughout Saturday including one to one coaching and group tuition to help develop skills.
On Sunday, there will be a series of knockouts and timed and scored sessions to produce our target sports champions who will receive certificates and awards.
Sessions start from 10am on the Saturday and the final awards presentations take place on Sunday afternoon with an aim of departure by 4pm
This forms part of the Scout “Master at Arms” badge which we can help you deliver the rest of the badge requirements too. Talk to us for more info
Bookings are closed for this event.