Several people have asked what the plan is for our VE day celebration and so we’ve created this Blog to help people planning for the day.
For the street party, we are asking groups to bring along food as a Jacob’s Join to share with others. Bibbys Farm will also be providing food to supplement what everyone else brings and we will try and do the “Hot food” as we’ll have access to a kitchen.
This blog will hopefully, nearer the time, allow people who are coming to share what they are bringing so that we don’t end up with everyone bringing the same thing.
People have also asked about tables & chairs. We’re hoping to fill the courtyard with tables & benches and we will certainly be making available everything we have to assist with that. We would ask groups though to bring their own if they can so we can make sure there are enough for everyone to sit down and have a great time.
The “Draft” programme is below, Jo Farrow is booked and we’re working ont he rest of the plan but this is how it all stands at the moment.
Bank Holiday VE Day Celebrations
Friday 8th May 2020
09:30 Flagbreak
10:00 Activity Bases commence
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Activity Bases re-start
14:45 Gather in courtyard for Street Party
14:55 Last Post
15:00 “The Nation’s Toast” – Raise a glass to those who have “Gone Home”
15:00 Jo Farrow – Wartime Singer
15:45 Prepare and serve Street Party Feast
16:15 Jo Farrow – Best of British Songs
17:00 Finish food & clear away
19:00 Disco
21:30 Evening Film in outdoor cinema